Thursday, October 30, 2008

Best Headline Possible

Singletary dropped pants at halftime when 49ers trailed Seattle

Do you even need to read the rest of the article? Of course you do.

Mike Singletary's motivational message to the 49ers last Sunday in his inaugural game as head coach also included a visual aid.

When his team hit the Candlestick Park locker room at halftime trailing the Seahawks 20-3, Singletary called everyone to attention, dropped his pants and pointed to his rear end, to fully illustrate what the coach thought of his players' performance.

According to a report that first aired on Phoenix-area radio XTRA-910, Singletary then berated the team for three to four minutes with his pants around his ankles. He was wearing boxers.

Singletary did not deny the stunt, which clearly didn't work: The 49ers lost, 34-14.

"I used my pants to illustrate that we were getting our tails whipped on Sunday and how humiliating that should feel for all of us," Singletary confirmed in a blog post on the 49ers' Web site. "I needed to do something to dramatize my point; there were other ways I could have done it but I think this got the message across.

"I am excited about having the team back at practice on Monday so we can get back to work."

Despite his 0-1 record as the 49ers interim coach, Singletary has gained fame for publicly ordering a defiant Vernon Davis off the field and sending him to the showers after the tight end committed a fourth-quarter personal foul. After the game, Singletary's fiery analysis and ranthas become an Internet hit.

A 49ers spokesman clarified how far Singletary actually went with the halftime show, confirming the coach kept his boxers on during the demonstration.

E-mail Nancy Gay at

It's better to burn out than to fade away...we thought maybe the Raiders would be the first team in NFL history to fire an interim coach during a season, but watch out Al Davis, you might even lose in this contest too!

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